Engineering Services

We have a diverse engineering resource pool made up of fire protection engineers, mechanical engineers, civil engineers, and many others.

Available Training

We have developed training from the ground up.

Project Management

Our personnel have lead various projects within and outside the federal system for a number of years at various locations around the world.

About Us

We Are

Our team consists of sought out engineers in multiple disciplines across the nation. The well rounded team allows for all engineering to be encompassed in our organization.

At Encompassed Engineering, we believe in providing services at levels of unmatched quality. Our goal is to provide our customers with the right people, at the right time, for the right price. We got our start after realizing that most contracting organizations didn’t care about their contractors, only the contracts. Even then, most companies forgo the niceties of customer service and lack the intestinal fortitude to stand up for what is right. Encompassed Engineering offers a way for customers to request the specific talent they are in need of and have confidence that whomever shows up, will be professional, knowledgeable, and highly capable. We are a small company with fewer than 10-employees.

Fire Protection Engineering

In support of DOE, NNSA, NRC, and many other agencies.

Mechanical Engineering

In support of DOE, NNSA, NRC, and many other agencies.

Civil Engineering

In support of DOE, NNSA, NRC, and many other agencies.


In support of DOE, NNSA, NRC, and many other agencies.

Project Management

In support of DOE, NNSA, NRC, and many other agencies.

Our Stats


Less than 10


Increasing daily


Headquartered in SC and supporting customers Nationwide


Small Business